
Students to represent Malta at European Money Quiz in Brussels

Competition aims at improving financial literacy among 13- to 16-year-olds
From left: Fiona Borg Catania, MBA office administrator, students Jacob Camilleri and Avril Jade Scicluna, Joanne Zammit, education officer for accounting and business studies, together with MBA secretary general Karol Gabarretta.

Jacob Camilleri from St Augustine College and Avril Jade Scicluna from Our Lady Immaculate School have been selected as Malta’s representatives for the European Money Quiz (EMQ), which will be held on May 15 and 16 in Brussels.

The EMQ forms part of the activities of the European Money Week (EMW), which is held every year in March. The EMQ is the largest European-wide competition that aims at improving financial literacy among students between 13 to 16 years of age.

Launched in 2017 under the coordination of the European Banking Federation (EBF) as an initiative to promote financial education by national banking associations in Europe, the EMQ is one of many activities organised in over 30 countries, including Malta, as part of the EMW.

The teaching objectives of the EMQ are aligned with the OECD INFE guidelines on financial education and the quiz is an assessment of national financial education programmes, as supported with the OECD’s core competencies for financial education for youths.

The two students will together participate as Malta’s national team during the EMQ featuring all participating countries, and which is hosted by the EBF in Brussels.

Camilleri and Scicluna were selected after a national quiz organised by the Malta Bankers’ Association (MBA), in collaboration with the Department of Accounting and Business Studies (DLAP) within the Ministry for Education, on February 27. Around 500 students from 22 schools took part simultaneously in the quiz using the Kahoot! platform for schools.

The two students were declared the national winners as they were the two participants with the highest number of correct answers to the questions in the shortest amount of time. The national selection was open to state, church and independent schools.

The MBA is a member of the EBF.

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