‘I am at my most relaxed when I cook’

Joseph Mizzi (left) at the book festival with author and academic Ġorġ Mallia and his sister and workmate Annamaria.

The weekend starts: I’d like to think that my weekend starts on Friday afternoon, however, that’s not always the case. Even so, as soon as I arrive home, it is the weekend for me, or at least a foretaste of one, with no particular rush to prepare myself for the next day.

Early riser? Yes, I am. I am quite a Spartan in this respect. I got used to waking up early during the week and, unfortunately, I just can’t switch off at the weekend, so I find myself eyes wide open on Saturday at 5 am.

During the weekend, I’m at my most relaxed when: To be honest, I try to take life easy. However, Saturday morning is spent catching up on things and trying to do all those things which I missed out on during the week. In the evening and on Sunday, I tend to do things that help me relax and also devote some quality time to my family. However, I am at my most relaxed when I cook…

Go out or spend time in? I try to balance both. In winter, I try to chill out at home after a week of meetings and a tight work schedule, and then go out on Sundays. In summer, on the other hand, the weekends are for the beach.

Guilty weekend pleasure: Stuffing myself with comfort food.

Saturdays give me time to: To relax, calm down, enjoy some me-time, and do whatever I feel like.

Sundays are for: Family and close friends.

My childhood weekends were: Definitely much easier, calmer, and simpler. That was life in the 70s. I consider myself lucky to have grown up with television viewing for a restricted time with just three channels, as well as no internet or mobile. It was a time when communicating with people meant meeting them and when playing meant getting dirty running in empty roads.

I close off the weekend with: A long face but looking forward for the week and Friday!

For other Sunday Circle features check out how entrepreneur Celia Melillo spends her weekend.

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