
‘The great outdoors takes up my whole weekend’

Master of Science student, animal (and insect) lover, model and social media content creator. Madeleine Baldacchino leads a full life but finds time to pub crawl over the weekend.
Madeleine Baldacchino

The weekend starts: It’s Friday and, after a whole week of studying and working in the lab, I’m surely hitting the pub. I’ll be having a couple of beers to close off a very intense week!

Early riser? This will always depend on whether I’ve been out to a party the night before and I wake up suffering the not-so-pleasant consequences! If not, I’ll try my best to start off the day early, so I’ll finish off some beekeeping or gardening duties before the sun starts scorching.

During the weekend, I’m at my most relaxed when: I fill my weekend with as many interesting activities as I possibly can. While I try to keep them varied, they all seem to have one thing in common – and that is to spend as much time as possible in nature, as that’s where I feel most at home. Whether it’s a hiking or caving adventure, or watching the sunset by the cliffs, nature means peak relaxation for me.

Go out or spend time in? Definitely outdoors – unless it’s the most challenging weather, then I’ll reluctantly stay indoors. Although I do have to admit that I also like going out in stormy weather. The great outdoors takes up my whole weekend, which is why my car appears to be going on camping trips every weekend.

Guilty weekend pleasure: Has to be either a pub crawl, a live band gig, an electronic music event, or all three in one night!

Saturdays give me time to: Whenever I can, I like to keep my weekends free from errands and photoshoots. So, Saturdays give me ample time for any of my hobbies, which are mostly gardening and beekeeping!

Sundays are for: Indulgence. And by that I mean food, perhaps a glass of wine, and mandatory beautiful countryside views. I love going for a hike and exploring parts I’ve never been to before, identifying plants and insects as I go along. Of course, it goes without saying that an occasional mini photoshoot of each discovery will take place.

I close off the weekend with: Watching the sunset on Sunday is a must. Bonus points if it’s a mesmerising pink sky sunset. It mentally prepares me for the new week.

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