‘I am an incorrigible night owl’

Conrad Thake at the chess board.

The weekend starts: On Friday evening. It’s always a relief to end the working week and welcome in the weekend.

An early riser? An emphatic no. I am an incorrigible night owl.

I’m at my most relaxed when: I can indulge myself by reading a book usually on architecture or urban history. An equally attractive proposition would be to watch a documentary related to historical political events or a biography of some historic personality.

Guilty weekend pleasure: Indulging in an ice-cream or a delicious slice of cake in an established caffe, ideally within the setting of the historic centre of a place like Noto or Ragusa Ibla in Sicily.

Saturdays give me time to: Conduct research in preparation for a forthcoming publication on Maltese architecture. On the recreational side, since childhood, I have acquired a great passion for playing chess on a competitive level. Once Caïssa, the goddess of chess, has bitten you, there is no turning back. 

Sundays are for: Enjoying precious time with my family, unwinding at dinner, and relaxing in the afternoon.

My childhood weekends were:  Mainly spent reading countless books and foreign newspapers (in the pre-digital era). I have to admit I was more of an introspective nerd. In fact, in retrospect, I should have sought to pursue more sociable interactions.

I close off the weekend with: Bemoaning the end of the weekend and preparing myself mentally for the week to come.

Curious to see how others spend their weekends? Check out cookery book writer Matty Cremona‘s love of aperitifi, or artist Francesca Balzan‘s penchant to talking with her cats.

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