‘Iconic, delightfully bonkers, cheesier than a wheel of brie’

Malta’s 2023 Eurovision entry is attracting attention, and the results are as thrilling and entertaining as they are… infuriating. We’re quite charmed by the words chosen by BBC Music Correspondent Mark Savage words to describe The Busker’s upbeat, funky entry- Dance (Our Own Party):

“Taking its cue from 2020 Eurovision icon Daði Freyr, this is a slab of socially-awkward disco funk, featuring the iconic line: I feel better/in my sweater. Delightfully bonkers, and cheesier than a wheel of brie.”

We’re glad Mr Savage is so taken by the sheer ballsiness of the Island’s current favourite musical trio, but we can’t quite take his ending words about Malta’s 2023 Eurovision entry to heart – “unloved by fans and bookmakers, this may drop out after the semi-finals”. The journalist does close off with the words “a real shame”, so we know his heart’s in the right place.

Good thing the BBC doesn’t quite have a history of being bang on the money when it comes to Eurovision predictions. Apart from the dire pronounement on Malta, this year’s report places Sweden as a potential winner with Loreen’s Tattoo. The report puts Norway’s entry – Queen of Kings, performed by Alessandra – among the top five, together with Austria’s Who the Hell is Edgar, which is also given the accolade of “a real contender”. Spain’s EAEA, performed by Blanca Paloma, which is being slated for a top three slot, while Ukraine is naturally placed within the top 10, while the UK gets seventh placing.

Poland, Romania, San Marino, Azerbaijan and Switzerland are all expected to suffer Malta’s supposed fate, being eliminated at some point during the semi-finals, while Denmark’s fate remains undecided and poor Slovenia gets a “bottom five” prediction.

The Eurovision Song Contest this year takes place between May 9 and 13 in Liverpool. The Busker will be performing second during the semi-finals, a notoriously difficult spot that rarely leads to a green light for the finals. It’s going to be tough going for Malta’s Eurovision entry this year, but we’re sure that whatever the result, the lads are gonna rock it.

For other Sunday Circle magazine features check out this piece about Fjura, a multi-disciplinary collection of works, or this Michelin-star level re-interpretation of the classic Te Fit-Tazza.

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