Mental arithmetic in our daily lives

“Oh, look, there’s a special offer on the brand of canned tuna that we usually buy!” remarked May, as she walked through the supermarket aisle. “€2.49 for a pack of three cans. Sounds like a good deal!”

“Hmm… I’m not too sure.” Alan, her brother, was inspecting one of the cans.

“Yeah, they don’t expire quickly,” he admitted. “And there are usually priced at 89 cents each, so they are supposed to cost… let’s see…”

“€2 and, uh, 67 cents, Uncle Alan!” cried Janet, who was listening intently.

May, her mother, was astonished.

“Wow, sweetie! How did you figure that out so quickly?”

“Easy, Mum. Nine times three is 27, then you put a zero at the end, then you subtract three.”

The mother’s face did not hide her bewilderment. “What?”

“Look, Mum, if they were priced at 90 cents each, then three cans would cost 270 cents, right? But they’re each priced one cent less. So I subtracted three cents off the 270…”

“Oooh, that’s very clever, Janet! I’m impressed!” acknowledged the mother.

“Indeed, Janet”, added her uncle. “You’re very good at this!”

“That’s what we are learning at school. Mental maths. I like it!” the girl enthused.

“So, let’s see, the deal will save us… 18 cents. That’s a good deal,” Alan observed.

Eventually, our three protagonists went to the cashier to pay for their things. May reached for her purse.

“Oh, shoot! I forgot my card at home. I only have €50 and a few coins. That’s fine though; it should be enough to pay for these things.”

“You think so, May?” Alan said. “I’d say this stuff costs around €65 in total. Look, I’ll pay with my card, don’t worry, then you pay me when we arrive home, okay?”

It turned out that both were wrong. “That would be €77.45, madam,” the cashier said.

Alan pondered – that total was quite a bit more than he thought it would be. He wondered where he went wrong in his estimate. But he didn’t say anything. He duly paid with his card and helped his sister to pack their things in her car.

When they arrived home, Alan and his niece Janet helped May store their things in the pantry and freezer. May was marking each item they bought on the receipt. Then she suddenly frowned.

“Looks like we need to get back to the store. The cashier made a mistake – he scanned the meat twice. He overcharged us by €10.91. Look!” as she showed her brother the receipt.

“I knew it!” Alan cried. “I told you that our things should have roughly cost €65!”

“How did you know, Uncle Alan?” Janet asked.

“Well, I was secretly adding up the total in my head – roughly – as we were putting each item in our trolley,” her uncle said with a grin.

“Looks like Janet got her maths skills from her uncle!” May said with a laugh.

Did you notice, from this story, how doing arithmetic in our heads can often help us in our daily lives? How many times did somebody in the story use mental arithmetic?

Alexander Farrugia is a senior lecturer at the Department of Mathematics, University of Malta, Junior College.


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