Maltese students sing for peace in Schoolovision 2023

Students during the filming of the video accompanying Malta's entry. Photos: Sebio Aquilina

Last month, San Ġorġ Preca Ħamrun GP Primary School once again took part in Schoolovision, a schools’ version of the Eurovision Song Contest.

The eTwinning project, which has reached its 15th edition, sees participating schools from Europe and beyond presenting a song accompanied by a video. On the eve of the popular song contest, the schools meet virtually via video conference and the children have the chance to vote for their favourite entries.

Ukraine won this year’s competition, while Malta’s entry placed 20th out of 27 countries. Malta often made it to the top 10 list in previous years and reached the runner-up position twice in 2017 and 2018.

This year’s result, however, did not dampen the spirit of the students, who totally embraced the song’s theme, peace, and the creative process behind it.

The children rehearsed on a daily basis before the school assembly for three months in the run-up to the big day on May 12.

“I observed each participant throughout the whole process during rehearsals and in class during lessons. Children acted positively throughout without hesitation. They really owned Schoolovision. Their smiles and happy faces said it all,” their teacher Maria Antoinette Magro said.

She added: “Children always benefit from this experience. Less able students are instantly motivated and they improve academically because they start believing in themselves like never before.”

Malta’s entry, P-E-A-C-E

The song, P-E-A-C-E, was inspired by the desire to stop all the wars going on around the world. Magro said that according to the students, “peace is possible if all men contribute and do their part to ensure peace in their little environments, as peace dwells within one’s soul”.

The song was written by Magro herself, while Norbert Camilleri composed the music. It was recorded by Philip Vella and the accompanying video was shot and edited by Sebio Aquilina. Leanne Vella took care of choreography.

The head of school, Elizabeth Jones, and assistant head Valerie Caruana fully supported the school’s participation in the project.

Students who participated in the project voted during the video conference.

The children’s experience

As part of the evaluation process, the students were asked: ‘What does Schoolovision mean to you?’ Here are some of their answers:

…”where a lot of kids get together to show their talents in singing and dancing…” (B.B.)

“…an event organised to teach and deliver a message to the entire world. We had lots of fun.” (K.P.S.)

“…a once in a lifetime opportunity … an amazing experience.” (R.B.)“…a wonderful thing; …a fun competition.” (J.D.)“..the best thing ever…” (Z.B.)

“…helped me not to be shy but always believe in myself.” (E.C.)

Students getting ready for the music video.

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