3 ‘just for fun’ days in July worth noting in your calendars

Ever thought of taking your house plant out for a walk? Just one of the crazy things that get 'celebrated' in July.

World Emoji Day: Since 2014, July 17 has been designated World Emoji Day. The specific date was chosen by Jeremy Burge, founder of Emojipedia (a site dedicated to the meaning of emojis), based on the fact that the calendar emoji on the iPhone is set to this day. People have obviously come up with many fun and clever ways to mark this day, including eating poop-emoji ice creams, using slices of pepperoni to give their pizzas heart eyes, and baking biscuits shaped like their favourite emojis.  

Spooner’s Day: Believe it or not, this has nothing to do with celebrating the big or small spoons in our lives, and everything to do with spoonerisms, which is when we accidentally switch the first letters or sounds of words. The day is always celebrated on July 22, the birthday of Reverend William Archibald Spooner, a British priest who is remembered for spoonerisms like ‘our queer old Dean’ instead of ‘our dear old Queen’ and ‘nosey little cook’ instead of ‘cozy little nook’. To mark this day, simply remember that these mistakes in speech bring smiles to people’s faces across the world, and they’re nothing to be ashamed of.

Take Your Houseplant for a Walk Day: On July 27, you may see people walking around your locality with a houseplant or two nestled in their arms. The practice started with two holidaymakers called Thomas and Ruth Roy, who wanted to acquaint their plants with the environment just outside their homes and inspire others to discover the joy of indoor foliage. If you’d like to mark this day but the idea of taking a plant outside for a walk sounds a little too wacky, you could always place the plant on a windowsill.

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