Six Maltese novels for just €20?

Klabb Kotba Maltin has just announced its summer offer for 2023, and it’s honestly every bookworm’s dream. For just €20, you can pick five titles from the 100 paperback novels on offer. But it doesn’t end there, they’ll also throw in a random sixth novel for absolutely free!

But what exactly can you get?

The titles here include a mix of old and new novels by local authors, as well as several translations, all of which are in Maltese. 

There are numerous local literary masterpieces, including Kilin’s Għajnejn Kalanġ u 26 storja oħra, Mariella Pisani Bencini’s Tliet nisa u mara, Ġuzè Galea’s Raġel bil-għaqal, Anton Manuel Caruana’s Ineż Farruġ, and Immanuel Mifsud’s Kimika – the latter of which was discussed exclusively with us by playwright Alfred Buttiġieġ.

There are also number of historical novels, like George A Said-Żammit’s Is-Saltna li jmiss and Aħmed – L-ilsir li jsir eroj, and Ruzan Fantin’s Id-dar fil-Belt; Children’s books like Charles Żarb’s Il-gżira sigrieta, Jesmond Grech’s Il-Gadawdu, and Charles Casha’s Il-Prinċep u t-Trogloditi; as well as translations of must-read international literature, like Il-Farm tal-annimali (George Orwell’s Animal Farm) and L-Alkemista (Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist). 

All you have to do to get your hands on these books is simply to head to the Midsea Books website, add your favourite five titles from the 100 on offer in the Rumanzi Maltin section, and let their calculator do the rest. The sixth book will be added to your bundle by the publishers.

So, go on, grab your summer reads, and help one of Malta’s most important publishing houses in the process!

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