Maltese student wins Prince’s Trust Global Young Achiever Award

Christian Axisa flanked by HSBC Malta CEO Geoffrey Fichte (left) and Clifton Grima, Minister for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation.

Maltese student Christian Axisa has been honoured with the prestigious Prince’s Trust Global Young Achiever Award, an international recognition celebrating inspiring young individuals who have overcome significant challenges to achieve positive outcomes.

Christian had previously found mainstream education to be overwhelming and suffered regular migraines which often led to him missing school.

That all changed when Christian enrolled in the Prince’s Trust International’s Achieve programme, which offers practical, topic-based learning through hands-on projects and activities in small groups.

The programme is intended to help students aged between 13 and 19, who struggle with mainstream learning, to re-engage with education and succeed.

“I enjoyed learning in different ways”

Since joining the programme, Christian says he has made huge strides in both his personal and social development.

“I enjoyed creating new things and learning about money. I enjoyed using the tools in the lab. I enjoyed learning in different ways,” Christian said, urging others to join the programme.

“It’s fun and we can be creative.”

The Achieve programme is supported by the HSBC Malta Foundation and the Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation.

“Christian’s achievements serve as an inspiring testament to the transformative potential of alternative, practical and topic-based learning approaches,” Geoffrey Fichte, CEO of HSBC Malta, said.

“His journey is a source of immense pride, and it exemplifies the profound long-term positive influence that the Achieve programme consistently imparts upon students throughout Malta.”

Since being launched in 2015, the Achieve programme has reached over 2,500 students and has provided them with the skills they need to thrive. The programme’s network has grown to include 65 schools and educational institutions that run PTI programmes, with the number of available study units increasing from 63 in 2015/2016 to 400 today, of which 344 are equivalent to MQF Level 3 or higher.

For more information about the Achieve programme, click here.

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