Young Maltese singers among winners in Lithuania competition

Elisa Polidano and Mikaela Borg with Evelina Batey, the official representative of the Baltic Voice International Festival in Malta.

Two young singers, Elisa Polidano and Mikaela Borg, from Phyllisenne Brincat Voice Studio, recently returned to Malta from a professional singing competition in Lithuania with happy faces and great results.

The 11th edition of the Baltic Voice International Festival was held from July 1 to 5 in the city of Klaipeda and saw 136 singers from 17 countries: Finland, Sweden, Armenia, Slovakia, Poland, Slovenia, Moldova, Israel, Greece, Ukraine, Latvia, US, Estonia, Lithuania and Malta. The international jury was made up of professional vocal educators and musicians, with Evelina Batey representing Malta.

Polidano, nine, placed third in the young age category, while Borg, 11, won her age category, placing first.

The two were also awarded special prizes for their performances and invitations to other international festivals.

Borg was also chosen to perform and represent Malta in the final gala concert of the Baltic Voice International Festival and received ovations after her performance.

This content was provided by The Malta Talents Facebook Group.

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