The 300-year-old farmhouse that became a cultural centre

Malta’s towns and villages are dotted with architecturally, socially, and culturally important buildings that have shaped the areas that surround them. One such place in Mosta is ir-Razzett tal-Markiż, a 17th-century farmhouse that now hosts art exhibitions, public discussions, theatrical productions, musical soirees, and book launches.

Located on Triq Wied il-Ghasel close to Maria Regina College, the farmhouse was owned by the Marquis Mallia-Tabone, Maquis of Fiddien, but in 1998, the Mosta Talent Philanthropic Society (MTPS) restored the building. 

Today, the farmhouse stands testament to Mosta’s once budding farming community in an area that, in the past, was characterised by fields, garigue, and rustic farmsteads like that of Ir-Razzett tal-Markiż. But that’s not all, the volunteers at MTPS also work on using the space to help established and up-and-coming artists, writers, and poets promote their work, including through Ir-Razzett tal-Markiż. 

Confirming this are the two permanent exhibitions to be explored here: one on traditional tools, which celebrates both manual labourers and their craftsmanship; and one on art by local artists.

Something else we love about this space is that the MTPS uses its work here to raise funds for charity, with proceeds going to organisations like the Malta Community Chest Fund, Dar Bjorn, Puttinu Cares, and Dar tal-Providenza, among others.

So, on your next trip to Mosta, we’d definitely recommend paying them a visit! The venue is open 6pm-8pm Monday to Saturday, and 10am to noon on Sundays.

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