3 things that may be worth more than you realise

Your old Pokemon cards may be the start of a nest egg.

If you’re anything like us and find it difficult to throw away things, then you’ve probably accumulated a whole collection of knick-knacks, childhood heirlooms, and random memorabilia. Thankfully, there is a collector for everything these days, and these three things — which many of us owned at some point or another — could be worth a lot more than you realise!

Sticker albums: Everyone born before the new millennium surely remembers the craze surrounding sticker albums in the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s. These came in all sorts of themes ranging from The Muppets to the World Cup, and Leonardo DiCaprio to Disney Classics. Some of these albums are now worth quite a bit of dosh, with some World Cup and Euro Championship albums selling for €120+ a pop!

Pokémon cards: Having had a massive resurgence, Pokémon are as popular now as they were in the late 90s and early noughties. In fact, some individual cards can go for hundreds, if not thousands, of euro. So much so that when a woman took a binder of 1999 Pokémon cards to BBC One’s Antiques Roadshow, her collection was estimated to be worth between €4,500 and €9,300!

Out-of-print Melitensia books: While rare tomes and hardbacks from the 90s and 2000s can sell for hundreds of euro a piece, textbooks like Id-Denfil and Il-Gojjin are also commanding €10-€30 price tags. The same can be said for Ħrejjef Tas-Sħarijiet Ta’ L-Aħwa Grimm series. In other words, if you have any old Melitensia books, do some research online before you get rid of them!

Of course, in each instance, their value is directly related to rarity, condition, and demand. But it’s good to know that your unwanted object could be someone else’s much-sought-after treasure!

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