Join the crowdfund for Moroccan earthquake victims

A crowdfunding campaign on local platform Zaar hopes to offer urgent relief and support to victims of the earthquake in Morocco.

The powerful 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck Morocco at night on 8 September, killing and injuring thousands of people and devastating rural towns and villages near the city of Marrakesh. According to the Moroccan authorities, the earthquake is one of the deadliest to hit the country in decades.

The Hudson Foundation hopes to raise €10,000 through the crowdfunding campaign, which closes on 1 November. These vital funds will help support Hudson employees, their relatives and many others in Morocco who have been directly impacted by the disaster. Every donation received will go towards the immediate care of the homeless, providing housing, blankets and basic needs, while caring for orphans and those experiencing difficult and traumatic situations related to the earthquake. 

Funds raised via the campaign will also help rehabilitate and reconstruct destroyed houses, cover economic expenses in the area related to management of the earthquake’s effects and boost the country’s reserves and stocks of necessities.

Hudson Holdings Ltd develops brands, mainly in the fashion and sportswear sectors, with teams based in each of its focus markets across Europe and Africa, specifically Malta, Italy, Cyprus, Algeria, Morocco and Nigeria. It established The Hudson Foundation in Malta with the intention to give back to society and help ‘give a voice to the voiceless’. 

“Natural disasters such as the earthquake in Morocco can affect us all, when we least expect it,” says Giselle Borg Olivier, CEO at Zaar Crowdfunding Malta. “Crowdfunding can bring people together to collaborate and unite our efforts to make a real difference in the world, and to offer urgent relief to those who have been impacted by the devastation of an earthquake such as this. Every donation made to this Zaar campaign represents a helping hand to those who need it most.” 

Donate to the Hudson Foundation – Morocco Earthquake Donations crowdfunding campaign today at

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