‘Rooftop greenery should be obligatory’

Other countries have successfully implemented green roof measures.

A young start up company is urging the Maltese government to consider new legislation that would revolutionise apartment living by mandating greenery on every rooftop, terrace and balcony, regardless of size.

Ġungla, which focuses on  landscaping small terraces and apartment balconies, aims to reverse the trend that has seen Malta’s skyline marred by the absence of green spaces, which in recent years lead to a stark visual and chemical pollution problem. 

The proposal follows the lead of other European countries like France, which has successfully implemented legislation that requires all new rooftops to feature greenery or solar panels. The issue is currently the main topic of discussion of a Green Paper launched by the Environment & Resources Authortity (ERA), which proposes the introduction of green roofs for Malta’s residential, commercial and industrial buildings.

Ġungla proposes that contractors should be required to incorporate planters, irrigation systems, and greenery into their apartment finishes. Alternatively, they could offer buyers a credit to be spent exclusively on greenery from local plant shops, gardeners, or landscapers, ensuring that every resident has the opportunity to green up their living space.

To further incentivise green living, the suggest that the government could offer substantial subsidies to homeowners based on the square meters of outdoor space they have. This financial support would empower residents to adorn their balconies with a predefined quantity of plants, making it accessible and affordable for all. Plants included within this incentive would be pre-selected in order to ensure they survive the harsh Maltese summer weather.

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