Enjoy 30% off Maltese novels

Calling all bookworms and bargain hunters: Midsea Books and Klabb Kotba Maltin’s current booksale has seen the price of over 100 local novels in Maltese and English slashed by 30%! The sale, which runs until Sunday, December 10, 2023, includes titles that will appeal to all the family. 

There are classics like Kilin’s Għajnejn Kalanġ u 26 storja oħra (€5.25), Dijonisju Mintoff’s Fuq l-għatba tal-qorti (€4.20), Immanuel Mifsud’s Kimika (€5.95), Mariella Pisani Bencini’s Tlett Nisa u Mara (€5.25), and Paul P. Borg’s Beżgħat (€6.65) selling at a reduced prices. 

These are joined by Maltese translations of famous international texts, like L-Alkemista by Paulo Coelho and Il-Farm tal-Annimali by George Orwell, priced at €5.25 and €7.00, respectively.

A number of children’s books are also on sale, including Jesmond Grech’s Il-Gadawdu (€4.55), Renè A. Cilia’s Is-Saltna tal-Hamsin (€4.90)Charles Zarb’s Il-Gzira sugrieta (€4.20) and Il-Princep u t-troglofiti (€6.30). 

Joining these are plenty of historical fiction, biographies, translations of Maltese classics, fantasy, and collections of short stories.

There is no limit to how many books you can buy at one go and they can be delivered straight to your house. Plus, there is also a sale on other categories, too, including on some melitensia and art books!

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