Weaving stories and threads

Kyle Mangani in Mitt Ruħ. Photo: Trisect Media

Our life is made up of a million stories, different threads that are interwoven into the very fabric of our being in the most unpredictable ways. Whatever we do and whatever we believe, we are not the ones sitting at the loom manually knotting our own fate.

Inspired by Ġorġ Mallia’s collection of micro-stories, Mitt Ruħ is a theatrical production that entwines the stories of different characters in imaginary situations that sometimes bear an uncanny resemblance to reality.

Along with a cast of six actors, writer and director Victor Jacono invites the audience to follow the lives of a number of seemingly unrelated characters as they unravel strange points of connection … bizarrely almost with the same random hand that switches from one radio programme to another or scrolls one social media reel after another.

The production runs until December 10 at Spazju Kreattiv, Valletta.

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