Creative Europe gets bigger and better

Creative Europe is the European Commission’s flagship programme to support the culture and audiovisual sectors. The allocation for Creative Europe 2021-2027 has increased to €2.4 billion; compared to the €1.47 allocated for the previous programme.

The main objectives of the programme are to safeguard, develop and promote European cultural, linguistic diversity and heritage; and increase the competitiveness and economic potential of the cultural and creative sectors. The novelties of the programme will contribute to the recovery of these sectors, whilst reinforcing their efforts to become more inclusive, more digital and environmentally more sustainable.

The programme is divided into three strands: The Culture Strand, the Media Strand and the Cross-Sectoral Strand. The Culture Strand supports initiatives promoting and enhancing artistic and cultural cooperation at European level; the Media Strand supports actions encouraging the competitiveness, innovation and sustainability of the European audiovisual sector, whilst the Cross-Sectoral Strand supports initiatives promoting innovative actions and collaboration across the audiovisual and cultural sectors.

There is a common misconception that the calls issued by Creative Europe target exclusively artists involved in the culture or media strand; such as dancers, singers, and film producers. Yet, many other entities and NGOs not directly associated with the sector are still eligible to apply. Local Councils and NGOs representing various other fields may qualify for such funding opportunities. For instance, the programme recently funded a project from the scuba diving sector to a Maltese entity.

Every year, calls are published for the three strands. This year’s calls include: the European Cooperation Projects and the Culture Moves Europe (within the culture strand), as well as the Mini Slate Development and European Co-Development (within the media strand).

Malta’s Creative Europe Desk located in the heart of Valletta. offers assistance related to the Creative Europe Programme. To reach out to people, a series of information sessions, participation in various events and one-to-one meetings are regularly arranged. Additionally, the official Creative Europe Commission’s website includes a section whereby prospective applicants can submit their details as an interested partner and at the same time explore potential collaborators from other EU countries. For more information about the programme and open calls, get in touch with the Creative Europe Desk Malta on 20908990/1/7, through their Facebook Page- C

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