3 apps to help you keep your new year resolutions

We all go into January with the best of intentions: we’ll be fitter, eat healthier, quit smoking, start journaling, learn something new. But then the days roll by, life goes back to normal, and our New Year’s resolutions inevitably fall by the wayside… But what if there was something to help keep you on track?

These three apps, available on both iOS and Android, can do just that!

Way of Life: When building a new habit, consistency is key. The Way of Life app helps you track new habits by sending you reminders, allowing you to take notes on each individual habit, and even coming up with stats and graphs to show you how well you’ve been doing. It’s great whether you’re looking to save up for something special, get back to your fitness regime, quit smoking, or take up a new hobby. Tracking three habits in such a way is absolutely free, while the premium version for unlimited habits costs $6.

C25K Trainer: The Couch-to-5K Trainer app aims to do exactly what it says on the tin: get users from being couch potatoes to running or speed-walking 5K. It does this through a programme of three 30-minute workouts each week for eight weeks, with the app also guiding you through your route, pace, and distance covered. The app and programme in themselves are free, but be aware that you will probably need to make a number of in-app purchases for anything from removing adds to allowing the C25K app to work on your Apple Watch.

5-Minute Journal: This simple-to-use app allows you to track your mood and day through a series of quick-fire question and answers first thing in the morning and last thing before going to bed. The app really does only take five minutes of your day everyday, and it can really help with tracking what’s making you happy, what’s upsetting you, and the small wins we often overlook. Free to download and use, you can also pay $5 a month for a premium version with all the features.

Are there any apps you use to help you stick to your New Year’s resolutions? Let us know about them in the comments!

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