Young student graduates with distinction in professional dance

Maya Said during a performance.

Maya Said has recently graduated with distinction for the Level 6 Diploma in Professional Dance by Trinity College London. She was only one of two students who got this accolade from the Hammond School last year.

Said has long nursed a passion for professional dance. After completing her studies at St Michael’s Foundation, she auditioned and was accepted to the Hammond School in Chester, the UK, to pursue the above-mentioned diploma. During her dance studies, Said also managed to complete her A-level exams.

Said’s attainment of the diploma was also made possible through a Malta Arts Scholarship Scheme financed by the government of Malta. The scheme covered a substantial sum of the expenses involved in studying abroad.

Said described her experience at the Hammond School as “incredible” as it gave her the opportunity to participate in various performance opportunities, including performing at the 150th anniversary of the Buxton Opera House.

Said was also chosen for the duet pieces in the annual college production both in her second year and third year. 

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