Arts Council Malta announces €65,000 funding towards educational initiative

Director of Funding and Strategy Mary Anne Cauchi and Malta Society of Arts president Adrian Mamo.

Arts Council Malta has announced a collaboration which will see the Malta Society of Arts receive €65,000 in funding for the MSA x ACM Residency Programme and the 2024 Performing Arts Programme.

This educational and artistic initiative aims to increase opportunities for the creative community working in various artistic disciplines, in line with the guiding principles forming part of Strategy 2025, Malta’s national cultural strategy.

The Artist-in-residence Programme will be open to two participants annually, with the Malta Society of Arts offering workspace to participants, while allowing them access to lessons and events held at the Society’s premises and also providing them with mentoring services on curatorial approaches and project management.

The project will be jointly managed by Arts Council Malta and the Malta Society of Arts with the goal of building and sustaining the arts and creative industry with specific regard to educational and mentorship schemes that would provide artists with more opportunities for professional and creative development. Moreover, it will offer further accessibility to the arts for varied audiences.

Director of Funding and Strategy Mary Ann Cauchi said: “Arts Council Malta places a priority on facilitating stronger collaborations between cultural organisations and artists and practitioners, in line with our national cultural policy. ACM has always worked to promote innovation within Malta’s cultural and creative sectors, and our strategic success has resulted from fruitful collaborative efforts with a wide range of stakeholders. This new collaboration is yet another example of how ACM plays a vital role in investment, advocacy and support, empowering and facilitating a sustainable creative economy for artists and practitioners, facilitating participation and continuing to serve as strategic leader and catalyst within the arts and cultural sectors.”

Malta Society of Arts President Adrian Mamo stated: “Thanks to this collaboration, we are delighted to be venturing into new territory in terms of an in-house programme. Together with the Performing Arts Programme that is being launched, the MSA x ACM Residency is part of a wider push to break new ground for an institution with deep cultural memory and roots in the past. Both these initiatives will serve to bring new voices into the Society and will hopefully also serve artists, practitioners, and audiences in the cultural world. We are glad for the support of the Arts Council, as well as all our collaborators and members of staff, without whom none of this would be possible.”

Arts Council Malta Head of Strategy Adrian Debattista noted that the professional development of artists and creative practitioners is one of the overarching principles of the national cultural strategy, alongside facilitating collaboration between cultural operators and institutions. “In addition to supporting formal educational institutions, we prioritise initiatives that support the continuous development of all artists and practitioners, from those operating in traditional or grassroots settings to those working in academia and the public, private and voluntary sectors. By supporting such partnerships with PCOs, ICOs, and educational institutions, we aim to facilitate the career development and creative aspirations of artists and practitioners,” he said.

The MSA’s Head of Programmes and Initiatives Gabriel Zammit explained that the MSA x ACM Residency Programme is targeted at young and emerging Maltese artists and will provide opportunities for mentorship as well as funding and a diverse programme of activities. “The aim is to open up space and time for these individuals to reflect on and develop their practice, both technically as well as conceptually, in a dedicated environment which is free from the usual pressures of work and life. One of the main goals of the residency programme is to foster eclectic and creative collaboration. This is also reflected in the 2024 Performing Arts Programme, which sees a wide diversity of local and international artists,” he stated.

Education and Development Executive at Arts Council Malta Nikki Petroni reiterated the importance that the Council places on ensuring accessible, equitable and high-standard arts participation, while facilitating collaboration between cultural operators and educational institutions. “Through collaborations such as these, we establish opportunities for younger artists to engage with the local community and to work with a spirit of collaboration. The Council has always placed a huge importance in investing in talented young artists to help develop their skills and artistic practice. Such initiatives pave the way forward for strengthened opportunities and collaborations,” she said.

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