
Discovering Floriana’s green lungs

Environment NGO organises a gardens tour
Floriana gardens

Have you ever been curious about the trees and plants at Floriana’s gardens? Did you ever wonder who created these green lungs and why? Who cared for them and made them into the gems they are today?

Maybe you have mostly overlooked these hidden gardens as you rushed through them on your way to work, without stopping to take in their beauty and enjoy their natural environment. Maybe you never thought of visiting and discovering them deeprer one day.

Well, now is the chance, as heritage and environment NGO Flimkien Għal Ambjent Aħjar is organising a tour by its botanists round the Mall, Argotti and St Philip’s Gardens this Saturday, March 16.

The idea is to give insight into their history and information on the trees and plants to be found there, while delving into the lives of those who created and cherished them.

The tour starts at 9.30am at The Mall, which dates back to 1656 and is one of the town’s most popular gardens. Deriving its name from the popular Pall Mall game of the period, Maglio, the Mall, or Maglio, is a promenade elongated garden, lined with trees, ponds and statues.

The tour will continue to the historic Argotti Botanical Gardens, formed on St James bastion in 1720 and further embellished in 1741.

In the 19th century, they became a botanical hub, with various experts leaving their mark on the gardens over the years.

The tour will also explore St Philip’s Garden, known for its beautifully crafted fountain and breathtaking views over Floriana’s counterguards, or outer fortifications.

Also known as Il-Ġnien tal-Ġeneral, this garden formed part of the University Argotti private botanic gardens up to 1973.

The event is open to FAA members and the public, the NGO said, urging people to become members and support its cause to protect Malta’s heritage and quality of life.

For tickets and membership, visit: https://ticketengine.faa.org.mt

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