Two Maltese artists in new residency programme

Arts Council Malta (ACM), in collaboration with the Malta Society of Arts (MSA), has announced the selection of two Maltese artists to the recently launched MSA x ACM Residency Programme, through an open call. This was made possible thanks to a collaboration that saw €65,000 invested in the residency and the MSA’s 2024 Performing Arts Programme.

The selected artists are Claire Farrugia, who specialises in visual arts, and Alex Weenink, who works in the performing arts. The two artists will embark on their creative journey starting in April 2024 and concluding in December 2024, with the residency offering them a unique platform to explore, create, and contribute to Malta’s rich artistic landscape, under the guidance and mentorship of experienced professionals in their respective fields.

This collaboration forms part of the Council’s and MSA’s commitment to fostering an environment that encourages artistic innovation and growth. This residency programme is designed to support artists in their professional development while enhancing the cultural and creative fabric of Malta.

“Arts Council Malta’s significant collaboration with MSA evidences our steadfast commitment to nurturing the vibrant tapestry of Maltese culture and arts in a sustainable manner, in line with Strategy 2025. Thanks to initiatives such as this, the Council reconfirms its dedication to supporting local artists and ensuring they receive the recognition and resources they need to succeed in their creative endeavours,” stated MaryAnn Cauchi, Director Funding and Strategy at Arts Council Malta.

The objectives of the residency programme are multifaceted, aiming not only to promote artistic exploration and creation but also to provide a robust platform for professional development. By doing so, the programme also seeks to amplify the voice of Maltese artists on the international stage, showcasing the rich cultural heritage and contemporary artistic expressions emanating from Malta to a global audience.

The selection process for the residency programme was rigorous and competitive, designed to identify artists with not only a unique vision but also the potential to make significant contributions to their respective fields. Farrugia and Weenink distinguished themselves through their exceptional talent and compelling proposals, making them the ideal candidates for this opportunity.

MSA President Adrian Mamo expressed his satisfaction with the opportunities that the project has opened up: “Over the course of its 173-year history, the MSA’s core mission has always been to support artists in their pursuit of excellence. We are thrilled, therefore, to be embarking on this residency project, and it is our pleasure to be hosting Farrugia and Weenink within our premises at Palazzo de La Salle. These artists will have full access to MSA resources and will be given full support towards actualising their creative goals.”

For more information, visit Arts Council Malta’s official website at

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