Enemy (a peace conference) is the first part of a performance trilogy taking place at Spazju Kreattiv in relation to the wars in Europe. Having completed an initial long-term work entitled Barbare on the member countries of the European Union from 2019 to 2022.

Reflecting on the place of peripheries inside Europe, and the possibility to give voice to local communities, this show aims to interrogate the notion of peace in relation to the current and past conflicts of Europe.

Mélodie Lasselin and Simon Capelle respond to the theatre of operations of conflicts with an anatomical theatre that attempts to overturn the staggering machine of war images. Driven by extensive fieldwork in the Balkans, meeting those who have been working for 30 years to reestablish the bonds of peace between communities, but also meeting French and Italian soldiers who intervened in the former Yugoslavia, Enemy (a peace conference) proposes a paradoxical path where the bodies find, through breath and voice, a way to confront the traumas of conflict. For its next and last chapter, Enemy (iliads) will be focusing on the ecological consequences of war in Europe, a currently developing dance and performance piece on the ontological need for freedom and beauty.

Mélodie Lasselin and Léa Pérat, choreographers and dancers of the performance, conceived a dialogue with local communities through dance, offering a hybrid narrative that mixes tradition with the future, heritage and fiction, advocating diversity as a bridge between peoples. Recently, Enemy was awarded the Special Jury Award of the 38th Fiat festival – Festival Internacionalnog Alternativnog in Montenegro. This production emerged as part of the Stronger Peripheries – Creative Europe programme following residencies in France and Italy.

The exhibition runs at Spazju Kreattiv, Valletta until June 23.

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