Spruce up your laundry with essential oils

Doing the laundry is never a fun job but, let’s be honest, there’s nothing like getting into a freshly-made bed, or putting on a fluffy cardigan that smells of your favourite fabric softener come December. But that’s the thing: laundry doesn’t need harsh chemicals to smell nice; essential oils do the job just as well!

Essential oils are a basically a plant or flower’s essence extracted as a liquid. As such, they also contain a number of the properties the plant is known for, including its scent. This is the basis of aromatherapy, which is the practice of using such oils for physical and emotional health, meaning adding essential oils to your laundry does more than make it smell nice.

Among the most popular essential oils to add to your laundry are:

These are just some of the dozens of essential oils you can use, and there are whole websites and encyclopaedias dedicated to the different properties of each extract. Even so, how you use essential oils in your laundry makes a difference.

There are also other things to keep in mind, including:

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