Teatru Manoel launches theatrical tours

Actor and tour guide Jeremy Grech.

Teatru Manoel presents ‘The Grand Tour of Teatru Manoel’, a one-of-a-kind theatrical tour of Malta’s national theatre in collaboration with House of Tours.

These tours led by the professional tour guide and actor Jeremy Grech will be held every Tuesday at 10.30am and 12.00pm starting from 30th July, throughout summer. With this hour long animated tour, one can experience the rich history and unique atmosphere of Malta’s national theatre in an innovative, educational and entertaining way. This tour is a theatrical experience in its self as it offers tourists and also locals the opportunity to view one of Malta’s landmarks, experience its hidden treasures, curiosities, history and tales in a new light.  

Teatru Manoel was built and commissioned by Grand Master Antonio Manoel De Vilhena in 1731. It is one of the oldest Baroque Theatres in Europe and one of the oldest working theatres in the world featuring a one of a kind ceiling.

Those who attend this tour will also have the opportunity to see some of the original costumes from Teatru Manoel’s Costume House which are part of a theatre wardrobe collection that holds more than 10,000 pieces. All of these costumes were sewn in-house and those who visit can discover how each costume has a unique story with intrinsic details through tailoring techniques and beading work.  

Apart from this, they will also discover some of the most antique props that were used in theatre before the invention of modern technology, sound effect wind machine, thunder roller and sound effect rain box.

For the first time, ‘The Grand Tour of Teatru Manoel’ is now also suitable for people with limited mobility since this year Teatru Manoel invested in a lift installation, giving the opportunity to everyone to experience what our national theatre has to offer.

The launch of these tours on July 30 will also be celebrating the work of Teatru Manoel’s great scenographer Marco Joseph Bartolo, who passed away earlier this week. As a tribute to his stellar work in his 40-year history working with the theatre, some of Marco’s work will be put on display.

The price for these tours is €20 per person and has a duration of one hour. Each group is limited to 30 people. Summer tours will be held every Tuesday at 10.30am and noon, while winter tours will be held every Tuesday at 11am and 3pm. For more information, visit the Teatru Manoel website on www.teatrumanoel.mt.

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