5 date ideas that don’t involve dinner and a movie

Drink wine, eat food, make out. As much as I admittedly enjoy the tried-and-tested formula, it’s nice to be surprised. Here’s how to stand out among those Tinder profiles.

  1. Sunset kayaking around Comino
    Now’s the time as the tourists have decamped. If you’re looking to break away from the usual date night, a sunset kayaking trip around Comino offers a stunning alternative. Paddling together through crystal-clear waters as the sun sets behind the cliffs is both romantic and adventurous. You can explore hidden caves, quiet beaches, and even stop for a dip in the Mediterranean. It’s a great way to enjoy Malta’s natural beauty while bonding. If Comino is too much of a hassle, try the southern side of the island.
  2. Cooking class featuring local Maltese cuisine
    Rather than dining out, why not take a cooking class together and learn how to make traditional Maltese dishes like rabbit stew (fenkata) or pastizzi? Many local chefs offer private or group classes, giving you both a fun, hands-on experience that you can recreate at home. Plus, cooking together is a great way to connect and have some laughs.
  3. Stargazing at Dwejra
    For a date night under the stars, head to Dwejra in Gozo, a dark-sky area perfect for stargazing. Bring along a telescope, blankets, and some snacks for a cosy evening. Watching the stars and listening to the sounds of nature makes for a peaceful and memorable experience, far from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
  4. Explore Malta’s history with a scavenger hunt
    Turn a typical walk around Valletta or Mdina into an adventure by organising a scavenger hunt. Many apps and websites offer self-guided historical scavenger hunts, allowing you to explore the city’s rich history and discover new places together.
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