Supporting our children through their journey of self-discovery

Set aside any preconceived notions or biases and focus on truly hearing your children’s words. Photo:

It is essential for us to create a nurturing and accepting environment where our children can freely explore and embrace their identities.  

The process of self-discovery, especially in terms of gender and sexuality, can be a mix of beautiful revelations and complex emotions. Being present for our children during this pivotal time is paramount, and it begins with empathy, understanding and unwavering love.

Listen with compassion

When children confide in you their thoughts, emotions and questions regarding their identity, it is crucial to offer them your undivided attention. Set aside any preconceived notions or biases and focus on truly hearing their words. Listening with an open-heart means creating a safe space where your child can freely express themselves without fear of judgment or rejection.

It is natural to experience a range of emotions and uncertainties during these conversations. You may feel surprised, confused or concerned. However, it is essential to remember that your child’s journey is about their unique experiences and emotions. Allow them to guide the conversation and provide reassurance by validating their feelings and demonstrating your unwavering support.

Empower yourself with knowledge

Taking the initiative to educate yourself can greatly benefit everyone. Engage in reading materials and reputable online resources that delve into topics of gender and sexuality. This will not only enhance your understanding of your child’s journey but also communicate your genuine interest in their experiences.

Local organisations offer valuable resources, insightful information and guidance as you navigate this journey alongside your child.

Let your child know their authenticity is something to be honoured and cherished’’

Create an affirming environment

Using inclusive language and respecting children’s chosen name and pronouns are small but powerful ways to affirm their identity and boost their confidence. Remember to also advocate for your child in other areas of their life, such as at school or within your extended family, to foster a broader environment of acceptance and understanding.

It is completely normal to feel overwhelmed, uncertain or even afraid. Finding a support network for yourself is essential. Connect with others who are going through similar experiences or seek guidance from professionals who specialise in LGBTQ+ issues. Taking care of your emotional well-being will enable you to be the strong and supportive presence your child needs.

Celebrate your child’s authenticity

Show your pride and joy in who they are. Encourage them to pursue their interests and dreams, reminding them that their identity is just one part of the unique person they are. Celebrate their bravery in being true to themselves, whether it is through a supportive note or a big family celebration. Let your child know their authenticity is something to be honoured and cherished.

It is completely normal for parents to feel overwhelmed, uncertain or even afraid. Photo:

Seek professional support when needed

There may be times when your child requires more support than you can provide on your own. Seeking help from a helping professional who specialises in gender and sexuality can be incredibly beneficial.

Professional support can offer your child a safe space to explore their feelings and provide you with tools and strategies to better support them.  Locally we have, MGRM and Drachma, among other resourceful support networks.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, your love and support are vital in creating an affirming environment for your child.  

By using inclusive language, advocating for them, celebrating their authenticity, and seeking professional support when needed, you are helping them navigate their journey with confidence and resilience.

Josef Mizzi is a counsellor and president of MACP − Malta Association for the Counselling Profession.

If you’re interested in learning more about the counselling profession or would like additional information on mental health and self-care, visit, CounsellingMaltaMACP or e-mail

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