How much time should you spend playing video games?

Any gamer will tell you that it’s very easy to get lost in a video game; something that is becoming even easier thanks to the sharper graphics, more detailed storylines, and the social element that comes from games on a network. 

Yet a new study by Mobile Premier Gaming (MPL), one of US’s most popular and trusted mobile gaming platforms, has revealed that there is an optimal amount of daily time you should be spending on video games and that playing within its confines will help you reap some truly great benefits. 

In the study, MPL was exploring whether there is a causal link between video gaming and mental wellbeing, cognitive function, social interaction, and physical health. To achieve this, they analysed 97,602 survey responses from Japanese gamers aged between 10 and 69, leading them to two very major revelations.

  1. The optimal amount of time spent playing video games should never exceed three hours per day.
  2. Different consoles have varying impacts on different types of people. 

As MPL’s experts explained in the study, which was published in the peer-reviewed journal, Nature Human Behaviour, playing for three hours or less enhanced the gamers’ problem-solving skills, improved memory, and increased multitasking abilities. It also encouraged healthy social interactions and teamwork. 

Even so, they noticed that different consoles affected different sub-groups differently. For example, the PlayStation 5 had fewer benefits for adolescents and female gamers, while the Nintendo Switch benefited adolescents the most.

Speaking about the research, MPL representatives stated that, “In moderation, video or online gaming can be a powerful tool for enjoyment and learning, as long as it’s approached with balance and mindfulness. By adhering to the recommended guideline of three hours, players can reap the maximum benefits of gaming without jeopardising their health.”

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