3 ways to reduce hair frizz

Hair frizz can be pretty annoying, sure, but what’s even more infuriating is what causes it… Winter cold, warm air, excessive brushing: all these things can make our hair frizzy. But there are ways to tame and reduce the occurrence of frizz. These are our three favourites.

Switch to microfibre towels: Normal towels rubbing against your hair generate static electricity which, in turn, makes your hair go frizzy. Instead, opt for microfibre towels, which reduce friction, and pet your hair dry, instead of rubbing it. This will drastically reduce frizz. 

Watch the hair dryer’s temperature: Drying our hair is not exactly a fun process, which is why so many of us simply put the hair dryer on the highest possible setting in the hopes of getting it over and done with quickly. This, however, can damage your hair and lead to frizz. So next time you’re out of the shower and about to blow some hot air on your hair, take the temperature down. It’ll take longer, but your hair will thank you for it.

Don’t over-brush: Brushing your hair can and will tame frizz, but only if it’s done properly. Brushing roughly or pulling at those knots will cause breakage and even more frizz. So, take your time to brush gently. Moreover, it’s good to invest in a good brush with top-quality bristles, which are worth their weight in gold for people who have extremely frizzy hair. 

Do you know of any other tricks on how to reduce hair frizz? If so, share your knowledge in the comments section!

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