
Celebrating Malta’s rich history through the art of philately

Maltex 2025 opens at Malta Postal Museum
Maltex 2025 showcases rare and valuable postal history, stamps and postcards, as well as other philatelic items.

An annual exhibition celebrating Malta’s rich history, culture and heritage through the art of philately opened yesterday at the Malta Postal Museum in Valletta.

Titled Echoes of Malta, A Philatelic Journey, Maltex 2025 showcases rare and valuable postal history, stamps, postcards, as well as other philatelic items.

Split across two distinct galleries, the exhibits range from early Maltese postal documents to contemporary items highlighting national historical milestones, such as Malta’s access to the EU in 2004 and the 50th anniversary of the Republic, and traditions.

There are also displays of the prime ministers of Malta from Independence onwards, World War II mail and documents pertaining to the late Capt. L. Laferla, commemorative medals, and of imperial Japanese naval units in Malta.

There is also an Elton John miniature sheet and a display of old burial permits.

The event’s poster

John Debattista, president of the Malta Philatelic Society, said the exhibits tell stories “transcending time and borders”.

“Visitors to Maltex 2025 will have the chance to view postal documents, postcards and related artefacts providing an insightful perspective on how Malta has connected with the world through its postal system.  We are also very pleased that this exhibition is being held at the Malta Postal Museum for the first time,” he said.

“Exhibits tell stories transcending time and borders”

MaltaPost plc is sponsoring this exhibition and to commemorate this special event, the Philatelic Bureau of MaltaPost plc is issuing an occasion card, a personalised stamp/cover and a special postmark.

The card is available in mint and cancelled condition from the post office counter at the Malta Postal Museum. Orders for the personalised stamp/cover and personalised stamps may be placed online at www.maltaphilately.com or by mail from the Philatelic Bureau, MaltaPost plc, 305, Qormi Road, Marsa MTP 1001, by calling on 2596 1740 or via e-mail at info@maltaphilately.com.

The exhibition, is being held at the Malta Postal Museum, located at 135, Archbishop Street, Valletta, until Tuesday.  It is open today and tomorrow between 10am and 2pm and on Monday and Tuesday between 10am and 4pm. Admission is free of charge

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