
Books: five bite-sized reads

Robert Pisani, Malta’s most voracious reader, picks five novellas for March to kick-start his new ‘Bob’s Books’ column

Lately I’ve rediscovered the beauty of short books. Don’t get me wrong; there’s nothing I love more than a huge novel with complex far-reaching storylines, but the thinner ones have their merits. Generally I feel that their punch and emotional impact is stronger.

There are many I could mention. To namedrop, there’s Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart, Claire Keegan’s Foster, Gabrielle Zevin’s The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry, Douglas Bruton’s Blue Postcards and probably the most well-crafted short novel I’ve read, William Maxwell’s So Long, See You Tomorrow

Here, however, I am going to stick to five short books – I hesitate to call them novellas – that I read during the month of March. I highly recommend all five, to the point that they will change your life in one way or another – that is not an exaggeration.

Here they are in no particular order:

Rachel Ingalls – Mrs Caliban (1982, Faber Editions 2021)

Mrs Caliban is a book that has been going in and out of print and received cult status. Finally, The Faber editions line, which aims at bringing the out-of-print books from their archives back to life, have added Mrs Caliban to their impressive roster of imprints.

Dorothy is unhappy; she has lost her to an accident and has miscarried. Her husband is losing hope in the marriage, despite attempts to start again. There’s the possibility that he’s having an affair as well. The only relief Dorothy has is her best friend, who has her problems.

One day a man-sized frog-like creature appears in her kitchen and the two start a relationship. As one can guess that there will be consequences, and trust me, this book’s conclusion is nothing short of epic. Although entertaining, Mrs Caliban is a complex book which explores feminism and ethics.

Am I the only one who thinks this may have influenced Guillermo del Toro’s The Shape of Water?

Paradise Rot
Jenny Hval, translated by Marjam Idriss, Paradise Rot (2009, English translation, 2018)

Jenny Hval is a Norwegian spoken word musician who does not shy away from the importance of bodily functions and womanhood. Paradise Rot predates her solo albums but there’s a lot of her themes that she would explore in other mediums.

Jo is a Norwegian student, studying at a foreign (my guess is British, although not really specified) university. Her attempts to find a room are failures until she finds one in a disused factory which she shares with another lodger.

Rotting apples, fungi, micturition, queer desire and the blurring of reality and fantasy are abound in this novel but ultimately Paradise Rot is a coming of age novel – only executed in a unique way.

Ti amo
Hanne Ørstavik, translated by Martin Aitken,  Ti Amo (2020, English translation, 2022)

Ti Amo’s plot is not the most optimistic: an author is seeing her publisher husband die of cancer. She first sees him as a healthy man and then slowly sees his body breakdown. The book is an exploration of grief. It also, though, depicts the author struggling with herself on whether to document her husband’s sickness. Generally, the aim of writing is to tell the truth, or so she believes and considering what she is going through it is tough.

Indubitably Ti Amo is one of my 2025 reading highlights: the prose is achingly beautiful and it strikes an emotional core without ever being indulgent or manipulative. There is a lot of sorrow but at no point will the reader feel drained. In its way the book is a form of catharsis, I think if someone is going through this same process it may help.

Priya Hein, Riambel (2023)

My first foray into Mauritian literature was quite an experience as Riambel is a one-of-a-kind reading experience.

The main protagonist. Noemi has to give up school in order to help her maidservant mother. Within this rich family, a cousin without any knowledge of the class system falls in love with Noemi. One thing leads to another and Noemi come to the realisation that once under colonialism, one cannot be free.

Told in page long vignettes and incorporating popular Mauritian recipes and poems. Riambel exposes the cruel truth that its history is one bathing in blood, especially the sugar industry. Unforgettable.

Man with a Seagull on his Head
Harriet Page, Man with a Seagull on his Head (2017)

Indie publisher Bluemoose are one of the best when releasing solid novels. Man with a Seagull on his Head is no exception.

Ray Eccles works in an office and spends his days photocopying forms. When he is framed and is told to take an indefinite break, he goes for a walk on the beach. Two events happen at the same time, which change his life. One is that he sees a beautiful woman. The other is that seagull falls on him. Ray then becomes an artist, forever painting a portrait of the woman he never spoke to.

With a more conventional novel this could easily go the predictable route: Ray meets the woman after time and they strike a relationship but Man with does not play by the rules and it throws quite a few surprises at the reader. It’s also a lot of fun to read and will provide a chuckle or three.

With today’s rushed life a short novel is perfect for a person on the go with little time to squeeze in. Hopefully these five brilliant books will find their way to some people’s ‘To be read’ stacks.

If you have read them or want to suggest some short book which affected you, please get in touch on x2@timesofmalta.com.

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