
Keeping the kids busy this summer

Since it’s too hot to spend whole days at the beach or outside at the moment, here’s some activity ideas which children can do at home and which will surely keep them entertained for hours on end.
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Summer can be the most magical season for children but parents, on the other hand, are often left scrambling for activities to keep their kids happy and entertained. No one wants their children to simply sit in front of the TV or play with their tablet for months on end.

Since it is too hot to head to the beach these days, encourage your children to explore their creative side with art and science projects, such as the ones below, that will expand their minds while keeping them busy.

Study the weather

Children can learn about the world around them by keeping track of the weather. Have them track the temperature each day and record the weather in a special journal.

Make a chart that shows any rise and fall in temperature each day and another chart to show a month’s worth of changes.

You can make a homemade barometer using instructions from the internet (there are also various videos on YouTube). You will only need a glass jar, a balloon, a straw, tape and a rubber band.

When the rain, if any, comes, collect it in a cup and measure it using a ruler.

With time and practice, your future meteorologist will be able to make their own predictions about the next day’s weather. 

Tend to plants

Inspire a love of nature and encourage healthy eating by helping your children show their own plants this summer. They do not have to cost more than a few euros for seeds and soil. Some seeds are easy to start and grow quickly, like beans and lettuce.

For hot-weather plants that take more time, like tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants, pick up starts from your local garden store.

Encourage your children to check on their plants daily, keep them watered and look out for pests. By the end of summer, they will have learned a lot about nature and will develop a new appreciation for eating their veggies.

Build and complete an obstacle course 

It can be hard to make sure your children are getting enough physical activity in the summer, especially when it is hot outside.

One way to keep them moving and having fun is to encourage your children to build an obstacle course. This activity can be done either inside or outside, making it an especially great choice on hot days.

Items found around the house can be used in creative ways. For example, lay out wooden blocks to make a balance beam, build a tunnel out of couch cushions or just use masking tape to outline a path on the floor. Your children will get a ton of exercise while learning a little something about engineering.

Make some art

You do not need expensive supplies to create something awesome. Lots of art projects can be done with household items and a dash of creativity.

Make your own sculpting material from flour, salt and water or make your own paint from food colouring and cornstarch.

Give your children unusual tools for drawing, such as spray bottles, or let them make stamps from items such as leaves and flowers.

You still can offer your children such classics as paper and crayons but tell them to create something special, like a comic book or a sign for their door.

Just remember that they may ignore your suggestions entirely and come up with their own project but that is what being an artist is all about. 

Write and direct a movie

For older children, encourage their creativity further by letting them write and direct their own home movie.

You can either pick up an affordable camera just for your children to use or, if you feel they are especially trustworthy, give them access to a smartphone. Whether they choose to make a scary monster movie, a comedy or a documentary on the life of your family, they will be busy creating for hours.

When the summer is over, you will have a multimedia record of their work, as well as memories that will last a lifetime.

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