These cuties are looking for a forever home

Lily the bunny is looking for someone to love her!

We recently teamed up with the wonderful HUH – Help Us Help, a voluntary organisation that organises events in aid of Malta and Gozo’s animal shelters. 

As we explained in our introductory article, titled Help these ladies match some furry friends with their forever home, we will be bringing you profiles of pets who are currently waiting to find their new home.

This time, we have two pets currently being cared for by Sunshine Animal Sanctuary Malta. If you’d like to adopt either Flash or Lily, then please message Sunshine Animal Sanctuary Malta on Facebook.

Moreover, we’ve included bank details in case you’d like to make a donation. The bank details below are those of the animal shelter itself, no intermediaries.

Flash the Pig

Flash the pig needs a home with a small outdoor space.

Flash is a one-year-old pig. She originally belonged to someone who ended up with a, sadly, unwanted and unexpected litter of piglets. Sunshine Animal Sanctuary Malta has already homed two of Flash’s sisters, but Flash is still in need of a loving home.

Flash is friendly, affectionate, intelligent, and clean, and the ideal home for her would be a place where she has some outdoor space, preferably with soil to root around in a safe and secure area.

Lily Rabbit

Lily is approximately one year’s old and was found on the road in Xgħajra. She had severe head tilt and was extremely underweight. The sanctuary believes that she had been dumped by a rabbit farmer as head tilt is highly contagious to other rabbits and not many tend to survive it.

Lily is sweet, affectionate, and curious. She is fully litter-trained and loves hopping around freely, which is why a place where she can roam on a daily basis and receive lots of love and attention would be perfect for her.

Donate to Sunshine Animal Sanctuary Malta: 

BOV IBAN: MT08VALL22013000000050017419854; SMS Donation: 5061 7304 – €2.33; 5061 8103 – €4.66; 5061 8956 – €6.99; 5061 9291 – €11.65  

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