
Why you should care about the financial wellness of your employees

A lack of it leads to stress, and stress leads to a toxic work culture.

The significance of personal finance in one’s life is paramount. Despite its central role, many treat the topic of money as taboo. The ramifications of this reluctance can adversely affect various areas of an individual’s life, including sleep, mental well-being, self-esteem, physical health, and even relationships at home.

PwC’s Employee Financial Wellness Survey (2023) illuminates the magnitude of this issue: an astounding 57% of respondents pinpointed finances as their main cause of stress. Even more alarming is that 74% sought financial advice during pivotal financial moments or crises. In an age where health and mental well-being are given top priority, it’s bewildering that financial wellness remains on the periphery.

Addressing the financial well-being gap calls for a comprehensive approach. Three foundational pillars should be at the forefront:

  1. Money and mental health: Recognising the direct link between financial stability and mental well-being can shed light on how monetary troubles can impact overall health.
  2. Money management: Ensuring that individuals have the knowledge and tools to effectively manage their finances can alleviate stress and amplify overall life satisfaction.
  3. Savings and investments: Empowering individuals with insights about saving and investing can pave the way for a more secure future.

Workshops and interactive sessions centred around these topics can significantly enhance financial literacy. These not only furnish individuals with knowledge but also bolster confidence in personal financial decisions, leading to greater personal and professional contentment.

Businesses play a pivotal role in this journey. By cultivating a culture of financial literacy, companies can not only elevate employee morale but also improve retention and efficiency. After all, an employee less burdened by financial concerns can concentrate better on their tasks.

It’s encouraging to note that in the UK, the importance of financial well-being is well-recognised, with both the government and private firms integrating it as a vital component of their employee benefit schemes. Such trends signify a shift towards a more holistic approach to employee wellness.

In conclusion, as we navigate a future replete with uncertainties, equipping ourselves with financial knowledge becomes increasingly vital. As the old saying goes: Knowledge is power. Let’s utilise this power to forge a brighter, financially secure future for all.

On a side note, I’m honoured to have introduced financial well-being workshops for employees in Malta, acknowledging the urgency of this mission and aspiring to make a positive change in the lives of many.

Follow Luca Caruana’s weekly column here, and his LinkedIn account or his Instagram for more budgeting hacks. For other money-related columns, check out Luca’s thoughts about the girl math trend and his advice to help change the narrative about women and money.

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