Looking for a forever home: Pluto

Can this be your new best friend?

As we explained in our introductory article, Help these ladies match some furry friends with their forever home, we’ve teamed up with the wonderful HUH – Help Us Help, a voluntary organisation that holds events in aid of Malta and Gozo’s animal shelters, to bring you profiles of pets who are currently waiting to find their new home.

This time, we have a rescued dog currently being cared for by the Association for Abandoned Animals (AAA Malta). If you’d like to adopt Pluto, then please message the Association for Abandoned Animals on Facebook.

Moreover, we’ve included bank details in case you’d like to make a donation. The bank details are those of the animal shelter itself, with neither x2.timesofmalta.com nor HUH – Help Us Help acting as intermediaries.


Pluto was found by one of AAA Malta’s volunteers roaming the streets of Birżebbuġa. He seemed healthy, so the Association assumed that he had been someone’s pet, but their efforts to find his owner were sadly unsuccessful. Potentially abandoned, he’s now been at the AAA sanctuary for around two months. 

He is believed to be two years old and is extremely friendly with people, whom he clearly loves. Even so, he’s an incredibly strong (and good) boy, but he does tend to get a bit domineering with other dogs, so that’s definitely something potential adopters should take into consideration. 

A few things anyone thinking of adopting Pluto should know is that he loves to play fetch with his squeaky toys and is very food driven (aren’t we all). His ideal home would be an active family that can ensure he gets lots and lots of exercise and stimulation.

Donate to AAA Malta

Via BOV Pay: +356 7973 0921; Via Bank Transfer to BOV Account: MT27MMEB44428000000042161794050; Via Paypal: info@aaamalta.com; Via SMS: 5061 7350 – €2.33; 5061 8060 – €4.66; 5061 8910 – €6.99; 5061 9200 – €11.66.

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