Winners of Definitive(ly) Good Guide survey announced

In the world of upscale dining, every nuance matters. The ambiance, the service, the presentation, and of course the taste, all come together to create a memorable experience. Did the sommelier’s wine recommendation elevate the main course? Was the dessert as enchanting as the setting sun? Every dining experience is about ensuring that every visit is not just a meal, but an experience worth cherishing.

The Definitive(ly) Good Guide to Restaurants in Malta & Gozo annual restaurant survey that was conducted on September 2023 asked regular diners to rate their favourite restaurants that they had visited in the last year for food, service and ambience and to give their comments.

This innovative annual study involves researching over 2,000 catering establishments in both Malta & Gozo. In the journey towards establishing Malta as the gastronomic centre of the Mediterranean, the people’s choice ensures an objective list of the very best in catering across our islands to date.

This year the survey saw a total of 4,143, dining out on an average of once or twice a week – a total of 323,154 dining experiences in a year. The results of the survey are analysed by an impartial, independent market research company, based in US, which specialises in data analysis and the top rated 150 restaurants will feature in the upcoming edition of The Definitive(ly) Good Guide to Malta & Gozo 2024, which will be launched during the Restaurants Awards Gala Dinner ceremony held on December 4.

The full list of winners from survey participants can be viewed here.

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