5 comfort foods to fight the temperature drop

The holiday season is over and we’re all getting back into a routine, and even if we’re trying to watch those calories, we all need comfort food every now and again. Here are some delicious ideas to get you going in the kitchen for the expected cold spell.

1. Beef stew

This rich and hearty stew packs in all your comfort needs together with a high protein intake, making it ideal for fitness enthusiasts like myself. Top tip: This tastes even better if you have a slow cooker. 

2. Timpana

There’s nothing like a Maltese favourite for comfort food. Pasta, ragu, bacon, eggs, all wrapped up nicely in pastry. I barely give this one enough time to cool before I dig into it. I like making a massive batch to portion and freeze so I always have some timpana when I need it.

3. Chicken pot pie

Chicken and creamy vegetables all stirred together in one pot before being enveloped in a crispy pastry sandwich. My mouth is watering even as I write this. This vitamin-packed dish is great for those chilly evenings or for when you’re feeling under the weather.

4. Ratatouille

If you’re a vegetarian or if you’re simply craving something meat-free, ratatouille is the way to go, and I don’t mean the movie. This French stewed vegetable dish offers a bowl of eggplant, zucchini, and bell peppers that hits the spot every time.

5. Chocolate lava cake

Of course, I cannot not give you a chocolatey idea if we’re talking about comfort foods. This hot dessert has a tough crust and a gooey centre that can bring warmth to even the chilliest January evening. If you want to even out the temperature, serve it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Bliss!

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