Welcoming nature with flowers

At least 7,000 pots of petunia, a seasonal spring flower, will form an infiorata and be the main attraction of Iklin’s Festa Fjuri.

All the pots will then be given away for free at the end of the event to encourage residents and visitors to decorate their balconies, gardens and homes with them.

Organised by the Iklin local council, the annual festival that celebrates nature will once again be held this weekend. The activity, which is in its 11th edition, is designed to promote a healthy lifestyle through strong links with nature.

Together with the infiorata, the local council is also organising a number of activities to promote the values of the event. Ninu Cremona Street will, in, fact, be transformed into a centre for well-being, inviting residents and visitors to participate and take an interest in nature.

Inspired by its name, l-Iklin, the local council is also offering ‘Xarba Klin’, a rosemary-flavoured drink, made of a herb that is bountiful in the locality.

During Festa Fjuri, the public will be encouraged to actively participate in and learn about gardening too.

“The aim of the event is also to bolster a sense of identity within the small locality of Iklin,” the organisers said.

It is being organised in collaboration with a number of NGOs and agencies involved in the environment, including Ambjent Malta, Project Green, ERA, Friends of the Earth and Move for Trees, all of whom will be present to engage with the public about their work.

The Lija/Iklin Football Youth Academy and the Iklin Scout Group will also attend the festival, while the Saint Pius X Musical Society of Ħal Lija will deliver a musical programme to entertain the public. This will be followed by a concert by the Spiteri Lucas Band.

Space is also being dedicated to both established and emerging visual artists, whose art is often inspired by nature and the Maltese landscape.

In the Eco Café discussion corner, the public can learn about various topics related to nature, including wildflowers with Alfred Baldacchino, the wonderful world of flowers with Dr Antoine Vella, the use of herbs in recipes with Carmen Tedesco, and aromatherapy with Joyce Muscat.

The Flower Festival is being held on Saturday, May 25, between 9am and 2pm, in Ninu Cremona Street.

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