
Teens invited to tote bag workshop

Palazzo Falzon to host 13- to 15-year-olds for latest exhibition event
A variety of antique and vintage handbags suited for both day and evening wear forms one of the installations of the ‘Curious Beauty’ exhibition. Photo: Lisa Attard

Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti is reaching out to youths aged 13 to 15 for its third and final workshop at Palazzo Falson on June 7, as part of the exhibition series Curious Beauty: An Alternative Costume Exhibition.

An exclusive tour of the exhibition for this age group will be given by Palazzo Falson’s museum hosts from which the young visitors will gather inspiration to sew patterns and decorate their own tote bag during the hands-on activity.

Pre-booking is required and tickets are non-refundable. One can reserve a spot by e-mailing bookings@palazzofalson.com or by calling 2145 4512.  The price includes all materials for the workshop.

Curious Beauty: An Alternative Costume Exhibition runs until June 16. Under the artistic direction of Caroline Tonna and Francesca Balzan, historic costumes and accessories from the State, Church and important private collections are on display in contemporary art installations against the backdrop of the medieval palazzo. 

The full programme of events is available here

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