Discover the history of Malta’s traditional ftira

Photo: Heritage Malta

What do you think of when you think about things that are quintessentially Maltese? Our guess is that the ftira would be one of the first things you’d mention. 

The Maltese ftira is indeed one of our unofficial national dishes; a relic from the past that feels as fresh and fulfilling today, as it has done for hundreds of years. Yet the ftira also feels personal to many of us: it’s been at the centre of some of our best days at the beach, children’s parties, walks in the countryside, and, for those of us who live or have lived abroad, trips back home. No wonder we’re all so fond of it.

One thing we may not think about as we sink our teeth into its slightly burnt, crunchy crust is its history, and the place it has held in art and culture over the centuries. Now, though, Heritage Malta is seeking to change that through a Cookalong Activity, taking place on Wednesday, June 11, at Birgu’s Inquisitor’s Palace.

Running between 3pm and, the event will give children aged eight and over, the chance to craft the perfect ftira, starting from the most basic, yet crucial element, the dough. They’ll also look at how yeast works through a science experiment, prepare their own ftira using classic accompaniments, and discover some interesting facts about this much-loved snack.
Tickets to the event cost €15 per person, and can be booked online on Heritage Malta’s website. Of course, the ftira includes wheat and gluten, so do keep that in mind before signing your children up!

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