
Trying to spot Leonardo di Caprio in Malta? Here’s What Not To Say To Him

Mean girl energy, coming right up.
Actor Leonardo di Caprio. Photo: Shutterstock

So good ol’ Leo has been spotted doing his thing on a yacht in Maltese waters. And, by doing his thing, I don’t mean cruising for girlfriends young enough to be his grand daughter. Not at all. So, should you happen to bump (figuratively speaking) in the man on your annual boat day to Tlett Ħofriet, here’s what not to say.

Tried our pastizzi yet? They give wonderful Dad Bod energy
Sure, Leo’s dad bod phase was all over the tabloids, but let’s not forget this man has gone from teen heartthrob to Oscar-winning actor. He’s earned the right to a few extra pastizzi, for heavens’ sakes.

How was your girlfriend’s 25th?
We get it—Leo has a type, and it’s become a bit of a running gag. But it’s probably best to skip the quip about why he’s the only one aging in the relationship.

Did you finally get that Oscar, or is it another meme?
Yes, Leo finally snagged that elusive Oscar, but do we really need to dredge up the years of frustration, jokes, and Internet memes that haunted him? The man wrestled a bear on screen for that golden statue—let him enjoy his moment in peace.

Just kidding. We love you Leo. Now off you go, babysitting duties beckon. PS: Not sure why everyone thought it was Malta, but turns out the couple was actually in Italy.

Want to read more cheeky news about celebs? Check out this piece about Pedro Pascal in Malta.

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