4 ways to protect yourself when online dating

The tragic murder of Nicolette Ghirxi has affected everyone in Malta, especially millennials and Gen Zs who are currently dating. Most of us nowadays use online apps to meet new people because, let’s face it, asking someone out in person is just weird.

I’ve sworn off these apps a dozen times, but sadly they remain a necessary evil for those of us who harbour hopes of finding the one. Well, maybe not the one, but at the very least someone who doesn’t make me want to stab my eyes with a pen.

The problem with dating apps is that you never know what you’re going to land. Could be Prince Charming, or could very well be Prince Alarming. Here are some tips, most of them common sense moves really, that can help us reduce the chances of exposing ourselves to danger.

Keep personal information private
Avoid sharing personal details such as your full name, address, or workplace early on. Stick to using the app’s messaging system rather than moving to more personal communication platforms like WhatsApp or social media until you feel comfortable and trust the person. Additionally, be cautious about linking your social media accounts to your dating profile, as it could reveal more personal information than you intend to share.

Take your time and trust your instincts
Don’t rush into meeting someone in person. Take the time to get to know them online before agreeing to meet face-to-face. Be wary of anyone who pressures you to meet quickly or tries to rush the relationship. Most importantly, trust your gut—if something feels off or too good to be true, it probably is. And if they make you feel uncomfortable,block them.

Meet in public places
When you decide to meet in person, choose a public place like a café or a restaurant. Ensure the location is somewhere you’re familiar with and where you can easily leave if needed. It’s also wise to arrange your own transportation to and from the date, so you maintain control over when you leave and aren’t dependent on your date for a ride.

Keep your friends up to speed
Before going on a date, let a trusted friend or family member know about your plans, including who you’re meeting, where, and when. Consider sharing your location with them in real-time using your phone’s location services. You can also set up a check-in plan where you contact your friend during or after the date to confirm you’re safe.

If you are worried about your or someone else’s safety, call support line 179.

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