
Mosta Girl Guides participate in international jamboree

Action-packed week in Essex saw the girls taking part in various activities and forging friendships
The Mosta Girl Guides holding Maltese flags during the Essex International Jamboree. Photos: Mosta Girl Guides

The Mosta Girl Guides embarked on a memorable adventure in the UK this summer, where 33 participants including 11 adult volunteers, represented Malta at the Essex International Jamboree 2024 (EIJ 2024).

The event, themed a ‘Celebration of Girl Guiding and Scouting’ and held in Chelmsford between July 27 and August 7, offered the girls a chance to engage in various activities, form new friendships and immerse themselves in an international cultural exchange.

The jamboree was an action-packed week which saw the girls participating in activities like cycling, archery, shooting, abseiling and high ropes, many of which were new to them.

The Maltese participants and helpers in Essex.

The campsite was organised into different zones. In the Tech Lab, the girls engaged in creative problem-solving, while the Enterprise zone allowed them to practise entrepreneurship by making and selling sweets. The Wet and Wild zone was all about water-based fun, including canoeing and inflatables. The girls also enjoyed a taste of traditional English culture with activities like bell-ringing and cricket, and they were thrilled at the Motion zone’s bumper cars.

A particular highlight was ‘It’s a Knockout’, a zone featuring fun and competitive challenges requiring teamwork and agility. The girls also tested their aim in the On Target zone, trying archery, plate shooting and even axe-throwing.

The experience was as much about physical challenges as it was about building lifelong friendships. Through team-building activities, the girls connected with guides from around the world, transcending language and cultural barriers.

Camping skills were a crucial part of the adventure. The girls, well-prepared in Malta, not only pitched their own tents but also helped set up the kitchen, store and dining tents. They displayed their competence in knots and lashings, working alongside UK Girl Guides to construct a sturdy and visually appealing gate for their sub-camp entitled ‘Seine’. The themed decorations, inspired by Paris’s River Seine, featured Eiffel Tower replicas and Monet-inspired water lilies.

Evenings were filled with themed events like the Barn Dance, French Waiters Night, and Neon Night, where the girls relaxed and enjoyed themselves.

A memorable campfire evening brought everyone together for storytelling, songs and camaraderie. The EIJ’s Got Talent show provided a platform for the Mosta Girl Guides to showcase their creativity, earning them applause and admiration.

One of the most significant moments was the International Night, where the Mosta girls proudly represented Malta, sharing their culture, folklore, food and beverages with their international peers. The Maltese contingent, which also included the Fgura Scout Group, performed Maltese songs on the main stage and encouraged the audience to dance and sing along.

After the jamboree, the adventure continued in London, where the girls explored iconic sights such as Hyde Park, Piccadilly Circus and Buckingham Palace.

The Mosta Girl Guides boarding the London Eye.

They enjoyed a Thames river cruise, watched the musical Mamma Mia! and visited Pax Lodge, one of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) world centres. Another highlight was a day at the Chessington World of Adventures, with its thrilling rides and safari experiences.

The trip concluded with the Mosta Girl Guides hosting a group of 15 guides from Buckinghamshire, in Malta, further strengthening the bonds of friendship and cultural exchange.

Similar international experiences are held regularly and are part of the programme offered by the Malta Girl Guides in various local towns and villages.

To join the Malta Girl Guides, parents may get in touch with the association via their Facebook page or e-mail address info@maltagirlguides.com.

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