
Would your child like to be a nature warden?

BirdLife Malta organising another three-month course starting in late October
Photo: BIrdLife Malta

Are your children curious about what it’s like to manage a nature reserve and uncover fascinating facts about local flora and fauna through hands-on research?

Since 2022, every autumn and spring, BirdLife Malta has been providing an opportunity for everyone who wants to try the role of nature reserve warden for a day.

Starting on October 26 and running for 12 consecutive Saturday mornings until January 2025, the course will see a group of 12 children aged seven to 11 learn basic knowledge about Maltese wildlife at its four nature reserves: Simar, Salina, Għadira and Foresta 2000.

Among others, the group will learn how to birdwatch, monitor water quality, construct insect hotels, gain insights into the lives of hedgehogs, learn propagation techniques and the art of planting seeds.

How to apply

The 12 sessions cost €260, which covers transport to all nature reserves, materials for the course and also includes a free hoodie or T-shirt and cap with the Nature Guardians logo. Meeting point will always be Salina Nature Reserve at 8.30am, with the course taking three hours. When necessary, transport to the other nature reserves (included in the fee) will be provided by BirdLife Malta. 

To enrol, fill in this form. Following this, you can proceed to finalise your booking by paying the fee online. Links to the payment facility can also be found in the Google form.  

Booking will only be confirmed once payment is received and will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis. The application closes on Monday, September 30.

Follow BirdLife Malta’s Facebook event for updates. For any enquires, e-mail mark.gauci@birdlifemalta.org or naturereserves@birdlifemalta.org.

Click here for various educational articles by BirdLife Malta. For more Child stories, follow this link.

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