
4 tips to make the most of a wine-pairing experience

Swirl, sip, enjoy.

Invited to a wine-pairing event? My first one was incredibly intimidating. Now I swirl, sip and swallow (ha, got you there didn’t I?) along with the best of them. Here are some tips I learnt along the way.

Keep an open mind and try new combinations
Wine-pairing experiences are all about exploring how different flavours complement or contrast with each other. Even if a pairing seems unusual or unfamiliar, keep an open mind and try it. You might discover unique combinations that surprise you and expand your palate.

Understand the basics of wine and food pairing
Before attending a wine-pairing event, familiarise yourself with general pairing principles like matching the weight of the wine to the dish. For example, light wines pair well with delicate dishes, while heavier wines complement richer foods. Understanding why certain wines go with specific foods will help you appreciate the pairings more deeply.

Take small bites and sips
To truly appreciate the pairing, take small bites of food and sip the wine slowly, allowing the flavours to develop together. This will help you identify how the wine interacts with the food, whether it enhances the flavours or balances them. Pay attention to how the acidity, sweetness, or tannins of the wine change with each bite.

Ask questions and interact with the sommelier
Engaging with the sommelier or wine expert at the event can provide valuable insights into the reasoning behind the pairings. Don’t hesitate to ask questions about why a particular wine was chosen for the dish or how you can replicate the experience at home. Learning directly from an expert can elevate your understanding of wine-pairing techniques.

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