
Saving on school supplies

Tips on how not to overspend on stationery
Photo: Shutterstock.com

The internet is replete with tips on how to save on school supplies. Here is a summary.

Make an inventory

Make an inventory of the basic stationery items your child needs. This would most probably include pens, pencils, markers and highlighting pens, erasers, rulers, notebooks and loose-leaf paper, calculators, files, crayons and paper clips.

Dig into last year’s supplies

Going through the above list, you’ll probably realise that you already have many of these items at home. Chances are that last year’s copybooks have still plenty of unused paper. Pull them out carefully and find some use for them. You can either staple them together to use as rough paper or else find a nice front cover or make one out of cardboard paper and use as a notebook. Plain paper can also be used for drawing.  

Most pencils will probably need some sharpening and most crayons might be still half-consumed. Do not be ashamed to send your child to school with used stationery from the previous year or from his older siblings’. Remember: recycling is fashionable!

Set limits

Out of the items needed, choose those which are non-negotiable, that is the school’s real demands and set a budget. The probability is that you can still use last year’s pencil case or pocket, for example, if they are made of good material.

As your children grow older, they are likely to ask for the latest backpack or pencil case, with images of their favourite singers. It’s nice to treat them to a couple of character-based products but look for less costlier items for the rest of the list.

Teach children about the value of money

It is important to teach children about the value of money from a young age in order for them to become financially responsible adults. An easy way to make sure you stay within your budget and the children learn about money is to use the envelope system and put the cash you’ve allotted for each child into separate envelopes. Cash is easy to understand. Even younger children get it that once the cash is gone, no more money can be spent.

Shop online

You can get some very good bargains online. Many sites also offer free shipping/delivery during this time of year or when you spend a certain amount. You can also follow brands you like and your favourite stationery or supermarket on Facebook, and sign up on mailing lists, to learn about any deals. You are also likely to get discounts when you buy in bulk.

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