
3 New Year’s resolutions to consider in 2025

Stuck on what you’d like to achieve in the coming year? Here are three resolutions that will change your life for the better.

It’s that time of the year, again; when we all make promises to ourselves knowing full well we’ll likely break them within the first few weeks. But don’t be too hard on yourself about that… After all, according to the Baylor College of Medicine, 88% of people who set such resolutions break them within the first two weeks. 

Of course, one of the reasons why this happens is because many of the goals we set ourselves are either unrealistic or are undertaken without a clear plan of action. 

So, for this year, here are three easy-to-achieve goals that are worth taking up!

Improve Your Sleeping Arrangements: Getting enough quality sleep can change the way you feel during the day. In 2025, put some money away every month and invest it in better linen, a better mattress, in blackout curtains, and in whatever else you feel will make your sleeping arrangements better. It’s a simple thing you’ll get to enjoy every single night—and believe us, you’ll thank yourself for it!

Drink More Water: Garmin, the company behind some of the world’s most fitness trackers, has estimated that 80% of people in the west do not drink enough water throughout the day. So, for 2025, buy yourself a nice water bottle and aim to drink the recommended 2l per day. 

Put Things Away Immediately: Clutter affects our mental health far more than we realise, though the process of decluttering can often feel too overwhelming. But what if, in 2025, one of the resolutions was to put stuff away immediately instead of leaving it lying around? In other words, clothes get folded and put away as soon as they’re out of the dryer; purchases are put away as soon as you enter the home; and anything that needs to be thrown out is chucked out instantly!

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