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89 posts
Children entitled to clean, healthy environment, UN committee says
Watchdog says countries are obliged to combat things like pollution and climate change
August 28, 2023
BirdLife launches course for young nature wardens
Course for children aged seven to 12 to be held over three months
August 25, 2023
Hate wasps? We’ve got some bad news
A new species of wasp has been hiding in plain sight for almost 140 years.
August 23, 2023
FAA seeks UNESCO’s intervention to protect Valletta skyline
Asks for visual disturbances to be prohibited.
August 15, 2023
Rock stars: a glimpse at the wonders of our rocky shallow shores
Grab your snorkelling gear and ignite your child's passion for exploration this summer
August 4, 2023
Pollution from plastic endangering sea birds
Study find The Mediterranean to be one of the highest risk areas.
July 29, 2023
Summer: a time to explore our sandy shores
Get your family to explore the shallow waters with its array of sea creatures this summer. Snorkelling is the best way to do this and it's a hobby that could save our marine life.
July 14, 2023
‘Engage, educate and empower’
Researchers say it is critical for parents, caregivers and educators to consider discussing climate change with children and youth
July 12, 2023
Students recycle batteries responsibly in fundraising initiative
St Nicholas College, Baħrija Primary School emerges as winner in 'Batteries for Hospice' competition
July 7, 2023
From macro to micro – when small bits make things worse…
Students' creativity shines in the fight against marine litter for Nature Trust - FEE Malta's poster competition
June 27, 2023