It’s open season on allergies

Ah, springtime in Malta! The sun shines brighter, the days grow longer and the islands come alive with the sound of sneezes. Pollen, dust, simple oxygen… you name it, it will make us sneeze.  We’ve got you covered with four simple and effective ways to keep those allergies at bay.

  1. Shield your home from dust and pollen invaders

Your home should be your sanctuary, a safe haven from all those pesky allergens lurking outside. Follow these simple steps to keep your living space as allergen-free as possible:

  1. Embrace the Mediterranean lifestyle

The Mediterranean diet is not only yummy, but it also boasts numerous health benefits, including reducing inflammation and boosting your immune system. Incorporate these local staples into your meals to keep allergies at bay:

  1. Be mindful of outdoor activities

While it’s tempting to spend all day outdoors enjoying the still survivable sunshine, it’s essential to be strategic about your outdoor activities to limit your exposure to allergens:

  1. Consult a healthcare professional

If you’ve tried these tips and still find yourself sneezing and sniffling, it might be time to consult a healthcare professional. They can help you identify your specific allergens and recommend appropriate treatments, such as:

The Maltese springtime is tragically short and it won’t be too long before enjoying outdoor sun becomes an impossible endeavour given the high UVA/UVB rays. So don’t let your allergies ruin the season! Got any secret ant-allergy hacks? Drop us a comment to share with us.

For other Pink magazine health features check out our tips to achieve a healthy work-life balance or these tips to get your 5-a-day with a twist.

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